The Vegan Digest
Promote Good Food
Promote Good Business

On-site Venue Promotion
Your venue captured by any one our specially selected Influencer Talents from The Vegan Digest team. A full customer experience, with 2X or 3X your traditional customer spend, on display for an engaged audience on our social media, on our Influencer Talent’s social media, and on our website.
Request that your social media account(s) be tagged on social media posts and directly participate in the joy of sharing your venue to our audience and to your audience!
Request that your contact information and your website be linked to our website’s product and venue features.

On-site Menu Curation
Your selection of menu items captured by The Vegan Digest personnel at a setting subject to your discretion. An interview discourse type setting or a self-directed menu tasting type setting. An interview discourse type setting is splendid for Founder(s) or Chef(s) directed on-site menu curation.

Product Promotion
Your product(s) highlighted by any one of our specially selected Influencer Talents from The Vegan Digest team. Your items are specially curated, with your input, for an engaged audience on our social media and on our Influencer Talent’s social media.
Request that your social media account(s) be tagged on our social media posts and directly participate in the joy of sharing your product(s) to our audience and to your audience!

Brand Promotion
Fashion brands, lifestyle brands, and other brands are highlighted by any one of our specially selected Influencer Talents from The Vegan Digest team. Your brand is specially curated, with your input, for an engaged audience on our social media and on our Influencer Talent’s social media.
Request that your social media account(s) be tagged on our social media posts and directly participate in the joy of sharing your brand to our audience and to your audience!